Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

Viser is a mosquito who works for the S.A.F and is a member of the Elite 19.


Quite obviously, Viser resembles a normal mosquito, but possesses small sharp blades at the ends of his legs. His wings are covered in a thin armor, which covers his thorax. Due to being a male mosquito, Viser possesses long pedipalps and very bushy antennae.


Viser is a calm, but highly sadistic individual, as he quietly enjoys torturing his opponents with his torture-themed weapons.


Viser does NOT possess the ability to drink blood, as he is male. He mainly uses torture-themed weapons, all of which are portable and collapsable, and are contained in the armor that he wears that covers his thorax and wings.


Viser's proper debut has yet to be decided on.
