Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
No Country for young Irving  is an upcoming episode of The Adventures of Irving and Friends 


Irving’s Ancestor, Old Pinkeyes is just a simple fanboy, who has come to the “Big city”, AKA Danville Gulch, to make a living. Seconds upon his arrival, he runs into the Sheriff, who runs out of town, but before he leaves, he takes off his sheriff badge, hands it to Old Pinkeyes and tells him he’s the new sheriff. Later on, Old Pinkeyes heads to local Kantina, and after meeting some of the locals, He runs into the most wanted Criminal in the west, Dead Eye Albert. It doesn’t take long for Dead Eye Albert to kick Old West Irving’s Butt, and take his position as sheriff. And Old West Rules, state that Old West Irving must now leave town forever.

Once he leaves, Dead Eye Albert quickly takes over the town and somehow gains an Admirer

Meanwhile, Old Pinkeyes is now out in middle of nowhere, and finds himself receiving training from an long forgotten, and unlikely hero. Can he work up the courage, and strength to stop Dead Eye Albert, or will Danville Gulch be ruled by Dead Eye Albert forever?


This is My Town Now

I’m Doofy the Kid

Running Gags[]

Ferb’s Line[]

'Old West Irving: Who’s Dead Eye Albert?

Old West Ferb: He’s the meanest, toughest, baddest varmint you’ll ever meet.

Too young line[]

Dead Eye Albert: Aren’t you a little young to be a sheriff?

Old West Irving: Yes. Yes I am.


Doofy The Kid': Ah, Dead Eye Albert. I haven’t heard that name in…months. Though he did seem a little young to be a wanted criminal.

Old West Irving: Yes. Yes he is. But that’s not the point

Whatcha Doing?[]

Dead Eye Albert: Why hello there, little old lady, Watcha doing?

Lone Star Flynn (Candace): Ok, 1, avoiding you. And 2. I already have someone else

Dead Eye Albert: And that “Someone else” is about to get thrown into jail, by me, the new sheriff.

Background Information[]

This is another what if, or timeshift episode.
