Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
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This is a song sung by the 2 Guyz In Da Parque

Street Performer 1: I see you and that girlfriend of yours

Street Performer 2 and 'Background Singers: KISSING!

SP 1: Yeah, you liked it, goin back for more.

SP 2 and BG Singers: KISSING!

SP 1: KISSING, I see you doin it up in that tree.

All: You know it, don't deny it, that you were...


Don't you dare deny that

It's obvious as I can see!

(Phineas: Yes, yes we are.)

Continuity and Trivia

This is the second song by 2 Guyz In Da Parque ("SIMP Squirrels In My Pants")

Just like in "Rusted", this song ends with the Too Young Line running gag. (Phineas saying "Yes, yes we are.)

The line "KISSING, I see you doin it up in that tree" refers to the "(Two people who love eachother) sittin in a tree, KISSING." poem, and so does the title.

For once, these guys did not get "served".
