Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

If Phineas and Ferb didn't have Musical numbers

Written By Gurgy


Flop Starz[]

Linda: Well, a musical act goes to the top of the chart with a catchy tune and meaningless lyrics. Then they throw a big diva tantrum, lose their label, then face obscurity. Before they know it, their song is... elevator music. Years later, they have a reunion concert, and after that, they never sing again, and no one remembers them. Not that I would know anything about that.

Phineas: A one hit wonder...that's interesting. So what should we do today Ferb?

Ferb: *Shurgs*

  • Later*

Candace: Oh really?

Candace went through the turnstiles and...nothing happened.

Candace: Hmmm...I smell a lack of phineas and ferb doing something...

Stacy: How can you smell that?

Candace: They don't seem to be doing anything. ...Now i don't feel like doing this. I'm gonna go sulk in the dark.

Stacy: ...Have fun


One Good Scare Ought To Do It[]


Phineas: That is, if you can handle it.

Isabella: *Hiccup* Okay!

Phineas: Let's walk inside the haunted house now.

Isabella: ...Is this it?

Phineas: Yes. Yes it is.

Isabella: I expected something more...spectacular

Phineas: ...Well that's all i got.

Isabella: ..i'm going home now


Rollercoaster The Musical[]


Phineas: You know Ferb, one of the best days we ever had was when we build that rollercoaster. We should do it again!

Ferb: Why?

Phineas: I don't know. We won't do it in any special way. We're just gonna do it!

Ferb: ...No. I'm going back to bed.

Phineas: Oh quiet you.


Dude We're Getting The Band Back Together[]


Sherman: I've been hanging out here ever since.

Phineas: ...You seem to have rhythm to me.

Sherman: I disagree. And there's no way i'm joining the band again.

Phineas: I'll give you anything! Money,

Sherman: No thanks.

Phineas: Ah well, maybe we can celebrate Mom and Dad's Anniversary another way

  • A few days later*

Phineas: I can't believe mom and dad got a divorce


Summer Belongs To You[]


Phineas: You heard the man, let's enjoy this party!

  • Later*

Isabella: ...This isn't much of a party. It needs...something.

Jeremy: Yes. Yes it does.

Candace: Jeremy! You came home early!

Jeremy: Yes...but i forgot why. This dull looking party made me forget.

Candace: Well, remember that thing on the bridge?

Jeremy: I was something about root beer right?

Candace: No! You know, the B word...

Jeremy: Candace! There are children present!

Candace: No the other one! And the G word!

Jeremy: Oh yeah that. I'm kinda out of it right now, and nothing...awesome is happening. So let's forgot about that, okay?


Phineas: Ferb, next project: Extra Strength ear plugs.


Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation[]


Doofenshmirtz: There are plenty of other holidays i can't stand. Like...well i can't really think of any actually. Strange, isn't it? I guess i'm indifferent to most holidays, as well as Christmas. Well, perry the platypus, i guess i don't need to use the machine. You can destory it, i;m going to bed.

  • Later*

Phineas: Well that was an okay day. We didn't really do much after cheering the city up. It was..sort of boring actually.

Candace: Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about Jeremy! I don't have a gift! What will i do?

Phineas: ...He's right behind you.

Candace: ...crud. Well i guess you're gonna be understanding like usual, right?

Jeremy: Normally yes, but Christmas is the season of giving, and you didn't give. I'm...kinda disappointed.

Candace: But Jeremy...

Jeremy: Really disappointed...*Walks away*

Candace: 2nd verse, same as the first...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ferb: /...All this just because we didn't sing?
