Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon

A song by Phineas and Isabella

Phineas: Love is not just chemistry.

It's a bond between you and me.

Isabella: I'm as happy as can be!

Both: It's the age of love

And happiness.

Whatever happens now,

Just remember this.

Just remember

Our Love!

Isabella: Lalalalalalalala....

Phineas: Whenever I'm alone....

Isabella: I always think of you.

Both: Yes, I love you,

And you love me too.

When we're together, we'll never be blue.

Just remember our loooooove!

Phineas: Remember our love....

(song ends)

Phineas: I have never been so happy in my life.


  • This song is similar to "Happy Evil Love Song" from "Chez Platypus", especially the title.