Phineas and Ferb Fanon
Phineas and Ferb Fanon
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Iantha sings
Song by
Album: A Phineas and Ferb Fanon Christmas
Genre(s): Holiday
Length: 1:20
Current: We Wish You a Merry Christmas

This is an adaptation of the Chirstmas song, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, sung by Lotta potato salad and two of her characters, Iantha the Platypus and Gretchen Bennett.


All: We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy new year!

Iantha: In my letters to Santa,

I want chemicals from Indiana

And holy bananas,

Is that figgy pudding?

All: We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy new year!

Gretchen: Big words I will say

In the OWCA

Why do villians hate Christmas?

It’s a real sad cliche

All: We wish you a Perry Christmas

We wish you a Perry Christmas

We wish you a Perry Christmas

And a “ggyggggrrr” new year!

Lotta: I hope your Christmas is Phintastic

And I’m not being sarcastic

I don’t think I’m being drastic

So have a Ferbulous new year!

Iantha: Drastic. Really?

Lotta: I ran out of rhymes, all right?

All: We wish your every endeavor

Makes this the best Christmas ever

And we're all so glad that we will never

Lotta: Mention. . . you know, I’ll just keep my mouth shut.

Iantha: So have a banana-filled year!
